Research of influence of technological processing parameters of protein-fat base for supply of sportsmen on activity of protease inhibitors
oil seeds, protease inhibitors, ultrahigh-frequency radiation, enzymatic hydrolysis of proteinAbstract
The object of research is the biological value of the protein-fat base for athletes, workers of heavy physical labor, military personnel, depending on the conditions of its preliminary processing. A technological audit, the purpose of which was to determine the change in the content of amino acids after enzymatic hydrolysis in samples of the protein-fat base, that had undergone pretreatment by microwave radiation, was conducted. The effectiveness of the protein-fat base pretreatment by microwave radiation was evaluated on the amount of α-amino nitrogen after enzymatic hydrolysis.
Based on the analysis of the obtained data, the optimal conditions of the protein-fat base pretreatment were established: 250–350 seconds of microwave treatment time and its hydration to the 12–14 % of moisture content. Such processing will increase the biological value of the protein-fat base, namely, increase the degree of digestion and digestibility of proteins in the gastrointestinal tract.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Anna Belinska, Sergiy Bochkarev, Lidiya Krichkovska, Iryna Petrova, Sergey Petrov, Oleksandra Varankina

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