Research of operation of liquid-gas ejectors with compact and dispersed jets of liquid




liquid-gas ejector, ejection coefficient, locking mode, dispersion flow of the liquid


The analysis of equipment for the sulfitation of sugar solutions is carried out. The shortcomings of the operation of a jet sulfitator are identified, for the elimination of which it is necessary to investigate the hydrodynamics of a two-phase flow in an ejector mixing chamber. An experimental setup is made. Ejectors with a compact and dispersed liquid jet are studied in a wide range of geometric characteristics (1.3...11.25). The range of the optimum geometric characteristic of the ejector (4...7) is established, at which the maximum ejection coefficient is reached. The numerical value of this coefficient depends on the supply pressure to the nozzle of the active jet and increases with its increase. At a liquid pressure on the nozzles P = 1.25·105 Pa, the ejection coefficient reaches a numerical value of 2.0. And the Kej for the ejector with a compact jet of liquid is 15...20 % lower than Kej for the ejector with a dispersed jet. The ejector locking mode is detected at low liquid feed pressures, which occurs when the resistances of the underwater gas path are equal and the movement of the water-air emulsion in the mixing chamber of the ejectors is equal. Explain the work of the ejector can be given the early crisis of drop resistance at small (Re≈40...130) values of the Reynolds criterion. For the investigated ejectors, the closing mode of the next one after the liquid supply pressure is 0.14...0.17 MPa.

Author Biographies

Vitaly Ponomarenko, Educational-Scientific Engineering-Technical Institute named after Acad. I. S. Guly, 68, Vladimir str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technological Equipment and Computer Technology Design

Nicholas Pushanko, Educational-Scientific Engineering-Technical Institute named after Acad. I. S. Guly, 68, Vladimir str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Technological Equipment and Computer Technology Design

Yaroslav Khitriy, Educational-Scientific Engineering-Technical Institute named after Acad. I. S. Guly, 68, Vladimir str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Postgraduate Student

Department of Technological Equipment and Computer Technology Design

Dmitriy Liulka, Educational-Scientific Engineering-Technical Institute named after Acad. I. S. Guly, 68, Vladimir str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technological Equipment and Computer Technology Design

Eugene Babko, Educational-Scientific Engineering-Technical Institute named after Acad. I. S. Guly, 68, Vladimir str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technological Equipment and Computer Technology Design


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How to Cite

Ponomarenko, V., Pushanko, N., Khitriy, Y., Liulka, D., & Babko, E. (2017). Research of operation of liquid-gas ejectors with compact and dispersed jets of liquid. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(1(36), 4–10.



Mechanical Engineering Technology: Original Research