Estimation of structural organization of corporate relations at forming of corporation development strategy
corporate relations, joint-stock company, development strategy, corporate control, corporate governanceAbstract
The object of research in the article is the processes of interaction organization between participants in corporate relations, the combination of which is the basis for the formation of the corporate development strategy. It is proved that the model of corporate relations organization that was formed in Ukraine during mass privatization and post-privatization period has become a source of numerous obstacles to the sustainable development of domestic corporations and the establishment of effective mutually beneficial cooperation between CR participants.
Based on the generalization of characteristics (general, specific, constitutive) sphere of identification of features of structural construction and activity of joint-stock companies using the methods of system analysis and formalization, the prerequisites and consequences of the manifestation of organizational construction features of corporate relations in the development strategy formation of the joint-stock company are determined. A system of indicators for assessing the structural organization of corporate relations in a joint-stock company is developed, the use of which makes it possible to ensure a comprehensive analysis of possible options for the distribution of corporate control in JSCs, taking into account the existing division of powers to make managerial decisions between the supreme governance bodies of the joint-stock company. A methodical approach is proposed to assess the structural organization of corporate relations and the distribution of corporate control in a joint-stock company. Motivational support of overcoming resistance to organizational changes in the process of implementing the development strategy of the joint-stock company is considered.
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