Development of economic approaches to the formation and evaluation of the strategy of construction enterprises
housing affordability, building construction affordability, market affordability strategy, affordable housingAbstract
The object of research is the processes of formation and evaluation of the strategy of developers in the housing construction market, taking into account the housing affordability. One of the most problematic places is the sequence of these goals on the priority scale, which for each consumer can be different, depending on which one he prefers. Considering:
– various requirements of customers and investors to build;
– different functional purpose of objects;
– readiness to invest in improving the quality characteristics of these facilities;
– financial possibilities of the investor;
– the willingness of a particular designer and contractor to perform this kind of work.
In comparison with similar well-known economic approaches to the formation and evaluation of the market strategy of construction enterprises, the concept is based on ensuring «housing affordability». The main criteria for evaluation and housing are identified objectively reflect its future affordability for different segments of the population. According to the proposed approach, the weight factors of these factors for different types of housing affordability are determined, divided into five types.
Formalization of evaluation criteria for residential premises will allow management personnel of construction companies-developers:
– reduce the time spent on making decisions on choosing the type of apartments that will have a stable, long-term demand in the strategic perspective;
– optimize the technical and economic indicators of projects;
– optimize the cost parameters of objects.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Tetiana Tsyfra, Yuliya Zapechnaya, Olexandr Gritcenko

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