Formation of HR (human resources) business strategy based on SPACE analysis
strategy of a company, SPACE-dynamic analysis, HR strategic position of the company, matrix of policy recommendationsAbstract
The object of research is the process of making strategic personnel decisions at the enterprise. Since the personnel of the enterprise are its main strategic resource in the competitive struggle, the research of a certain object is very promising. One of the most problematic places in resolving this issue is the lack of clear methodological recommendations for justifying the personnel strategy of the enterprise. In the course of the research, the methodology of forming the personnel strategy of the enterprise based on the application of dynamic SPACE-analysis is proposed. SPACE analysis is modified by defining generalized criteria. Internal criteria are characterized by indicators of staffing of the enterprise and competitive advantages of the personnel management system. External criteria are attractiveness of the state personnel policy and indicators of labor market stability. For each of the generalizing criteria, a system of partial indicators is defined. A pairwise comparison and evaluation of the mutual influence between partial indicators for each generalized criterion has been made, it has been possible to determine the coefficients of weight of these indicators. The method of hierarchy analysis is based on the solution of this problem. In order to confirm the reliability of the received weight coefficients, the indicators of consistency of expert opinions are calculated. For each of the individual indicators, the expert group assesses its current and prospective state. «Narrowing» of expert estimates of partial indicators occurred on the basis of modified formulas of basic SPACE-analysis. This allows the decision on the trajectory of development of the personnel component of the enterprise. So the personnel strategy of the enterprise depending on the values of the generalizing criteria can fall into one of four quadrants: aggressive, defensive, competitive or conservative. The matrix of strategic personnel recommendations (decisions) for certain basic trajectories of changes in the state of the company's strategic position is developed. The result of the application of the methodology is the formation of strategic recommendations for updating the personnel strategy of the enterprise, which in turn makes it possible to increase its competitiveness.
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