Analysis of conceptual aspects of institutional and technological design
institutional and technological design, innovative networks, high-tech, institutional and innovative environmentAbstract
The object of research is the methodology of institutional and technological design. One of the most problematic places is the inability of economic and social institutions to adapt to change. Therefore, institutional transformations must take into account the specifics of technological dynamics and innovative development priorities that allow to proceed to the development of the scientific foundations of the methodology of institutional and technological design.
To determine the goals of institutional and technological design, adapted decision-making methods are used based on the optimization of performance indicators. Methods based on the analysis of schemes for the strategic development of innovation systems and intersectoral high-tech complexes are also used. And also methods of searching for innovative ways of development and methods of integrated economic analysis of development policy.
The conceptual foundations of institutional and technological design as a mechanism for creating an institutional and innovative environment are presented, which will support the life cycle of high-tech products and create a positive image of the country's technological capabilities and prospects. A conceptual scheme of institutional and technological design based on the evaluation of current technological trends and foresight is proposed to select appropriate institutional innovations (innovation packages) and develop institutional projects for their implementation in the existing institutional matrix.
Institutional and technological design is characterized by an orientation toward obtaining synergistic effects due to technological factors of development and structural reorganization of the innovation system.
The integral result of institutional and technological design should be the increase in the effectiveness of the management system by optimizing the functional responsibilities of organizational structures, the use of information and communication technologies and the creation of an effective monitoring system with a view to balanced development of the innovation system.
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