Formation of management mechanisms of balanced development of logistics services market
national logistic system, state regulation of logistics activities, market of logistics services, market self-regulation, logistic controllingAbstract
The object of research is the socio-economic relations between government bodies, the subjects of the market of logistics services by self-regulating organizations. One of the most problematic areas is the search for the optimal combination of forms and methods of state regulation of the development of the market of logistics services for self-regulation. The implementation of the logistics strategy should create fundamentally new opportunities for identifying competitive Ukrainian productions and their inclusion in the international division of labor. It also creates an information base for conducting research on the Ukrainian market and its benchmarking in accordance with international statistical reporting standards.
In the course of the study, the theoretical basis, forms and methods of state regulation of the development of the logistics sector in Ukraine are justified. Three components are distinguished: the mechanism of state regulation of logistics activities at the macro level, the mechanism of market self-regulation, determines the activities of logistics service providers at the micro level. As well as the mechanism of interaction, harmonization of interests and social partnership, implements the management of logistical flows at the meso level by creating new integration forms and logistic entities on regional or sectoral grounds. The attention is focused on the fact that the state should stimulate, on the one hand, the efficiency and innovativeness of the subjects of the market of logistics services, and on the other – strictly control compliance with regulatory and legal acts and standards of quality of logistics services and environmental requirements. State management of logistic flow processes in supply chains/networks, clusters and other organizational forms will help to reduce the total added value in the structure of the national gross product and help to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the national economy. Prospective directions and forms of self-regulation of the market of logistical services in a context of the state priorities are defined. The growing role of self-regulating organizations (associations, professional associations, unions) in the formation of professional standards, codes of fair competition, increasing the level of competence of the subjects of logistics activities is proved. The conclusion is made about the need to develop hybrid forms and introduction of the principles of public-private partnership. The system of logistic controlling has been developed to timely adjust strategic goals and introduce changes in the development of the logistics services market. The conceptual model of controlling the market of logistics services is developed, which includes modules of state control and self-control of market subjects. A balanced scorecard system of the efficiency of logistics activities is proposed, which will allow the collection and processing of statistical data.
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