Analysis of e-document management systems in Ukraine and criteria for their selection
e-document management systems, management of information resource, process management, selection criteriaAbstract
The object of research is the criteria for selecting the e-document management system (EDMS) in the IT market of Ukraine and the life cycle of the management decision in the EDMS. One of the most problematic places is the lack of systematic research on the state and peculiarities of the implementation of document management automation systems in Ukraine. Data on market volumes and development prospects are approximate and are determined on the basis of the assessments of the market participants themselves. In such circumstances, the choice of software for e-document management is becoming a challenge. The modern process approach in EDMS obliges the customer to clearly represent the essence of automation processes. A significant factor affecting the success of e-document implementation projects is the need to formalize the basic processes.
In the process of research, the following methods were used: bibliographic, monographic, comparative and synthetically analytical, method of logical generalization and systematization, algorithmic with graphical representation of the results.
The complex analysis of the features of the introduction and actual trends in the development of the world and Ukrainian e-document management systems was conducted. Taking into account these features and trends, a system of effective evaluation criteria for software for the automation of Ukrainian document management has been developed. The criteria are divided into groups corresponding to the stages of the life cycle of the automated system and the requirements of the modern IT market.
The developed system of criteria allows the enterprise-customer to carry out the optimal choice of software for introduction of e-document circulation on the set of those criteria that satisfy its automation tasks.
The detailed description of the formalized algorithm of the life cycle of the management solution in e-document management systems of Ukraine is given. Thanks to the use of such algorithms, at the start of the implementation projects, the customer enterprise provides a clear understanding of the essence of the automation processes, which, accordingly, reduces the risks of the project.
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