Application of the technique for aggregating the elements in a formalized geometric modeling of multifactor processes in geometric econometrics
formalized geometric modeling, aggregation of elements, Balyuba-Naidysh point calculation, parametric connection, point aggregateAbstract
The object of the study is the modeling of multifactor systems in the sphere of geometric econometrics. Modeling of economic, ecological and any other processes that occur at real objects of management has its own peculiarities. In particular, its goal is to provide the basis for making the optimal management decision in the field of activity that is modeled. Currently, a wide range of methods and models have been developed.
One of the most problematic places is the need to take into consideration a large number of initial information of a different physical nature. This greatly complicates the model. Adequate models are complex, have limitations on the number of factors, and are not universal. Simpler universal models are rather approximate, with low adequacy. These shortcomings are eliminated in the method of creating universal models, proposed in the formalized geometric modeling of multifactor processes. This method should be able to take into consideration any finite set of factors, the quantity and quality of which could be changed without restructuring, in this case, the model itself.
In the course of research, the mathematical apparatus of Balyuba-Naidysh point calculation was used. That made it possible to conveniently formalize any number of outcomes of factors of different physical nature. On its basis, a sequence of constructing a geometric model using point aggregates has been developed, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The basis of the developed method is the use of the properties of the simple ratio of three points of the line in Balyuba-Naidysh point calculation.
Owing to this, it became possible to split a complex multifactor problem into an appropriate number of simple one-factor problems, which greatly simplifies the calculations.
Thus, a method for creating universal geometric models using the Balyuba-Naidysh point calculation is proposed. It opens up new possibilities for modeling and studying multifactor systems, in comparison with similar known modeling methods. The method is universal, takes into consideration any necessary number of factors of any nature. It also makes it possible, with changing factors, to conveniently reconfigure the model without changing the model itself.
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