The efficiency of personnel appointing of the enterprise to positions: mathematical aspect
Management of the personnel, task appointing personnel, optimal distribution, matrix of expediencyAbstract
Theoretical basis and scientific – methodological statements are grounded on rational distribution and the use of resources, on the optimal distribution of working staff.
It is well-proved that the most close to staff placement is a "task personnel appointing" one: the best distribution of certain amount of work between the same number of performers on condition of mutual accordance between numerous tasks and its performers.
The content of the subject on efficient personnel appointing of the enterprise on positions is mainly determined by the content and the character of the labour of the personnel in the management system established here.
Attention is accentuated on the creation of high-performance and proof productive collectives, logically not to overload workers and to assign them to do the job with the most productivity of their fulfilment, but using mathematical calculations to forecast activity of an enterprise
It is marked that the offered mechanism, unlike existing one is capable to provide efficiency of the enterprise development, its competitiveness due to the grounding of choice and providing the achievement of aims of the activity of enterprise, adaptation to the terms of external environment. It is oriented to the search and realization of the possibilities of the enterprise, which will provide steady development and survival of enterprises in a period of post transformation economyReferences
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