Development of a methodology for creating adaptive energy efficiency clusters of the architecture and construction industry
adaptive management, architecture and construction industry, efficient facility, energy efficiency cluster, strategic developmentAbstract
The object of research is the process of creating adaptive clusters of energy efficiency in the architecture and construction industry. Today, it is important to solve infrastructural problems of energy saving; therefore, the research is aimed at developing a methodology for creating functionally sustainable adaptive clusters in the context of a rapidly growing shortage of energy resources.
One of the most problematic places is the system properties of clusters, which often become the cause of the inadequacy of the models developed for forward planning and the development of a strategy for the development of cluster organizational structures.
During the study of the processes of formation and forecasting of possible scenarios for the development of clusters of the architecture and construction industry, special attention is paid to the analysis of features related to the inertia of construction processes and the duration of the life cycle of construction objects. These features significantly reduce the reliability of forecasting for long periods of time due to uncertainty and risks of a different nature. The developed methodology is based on simulation modeling of different trajectories of cluster development and the introduction of fast adaptive algorithms with feedback. This is due to the fact that the development scenarios of each existing cluster structure remain multivariate throughout the life cycle due to the action of various superpositions of environmental factors. When simulating the selection of the best clustering conditions that can provide the maximum synergistic effect, is based on the forecasts, which are carried out taking into account various indicators of external influences. The set of possible changes in the external environment and the degree of influence of system properties on the cluster adaptation mechanism, at this stage of development, are determined and evaluated by experts.
The choice of the best management is proposed to be carried out on the basis of the system analysis of the results of computational experiments; it will ensure the formation of the cluster structure that is optimal according to given criteria and their adaptability to rapid and unpredictable changes in the environment. The process of developing mathematical tools for modeling the optimal in terms of energy efficiency cluster structure is described.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Petro Kulikov, Maxim Mykytas, Svitlana Terenchuk, Yurii Chupryna

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