Determination of the directions of improving the organizational structure on the example of the acting village council
territorial community, organizational structure, areas of improvement, assessment methodologyAbstract
The object of research is the process of formation of an effective organizational structure of the village council to ensure the fulfillment of its numerous tasks, which are caused by the need to solve complex social and economic problems typical of this region. One of the most problematic places is the objective determination of directions for improving the organizational structure of the existing village council, taking into account the results of its activities.
To eliminate the subjective approach, the developed methodology is used to assess the current organizational structure of the village council, which provides for the following algorithm of actions:
- development of the nomenclature of performance indicators and their numerical values;
- development of a questionnaire with selected indicators;
- conducting a survey;
- mathematical processing of research results;
- determination based on the results of improving the current organizational structure.
The statistical methods are used – calculation of the percentage of satisfied of the total number of respondents, as well as the determination of the average value of satisfaction in points with a five-point assessment.
Quantified data on respondents' satisfaction with the work of the Liubech village council (Ukraine) is obtained, which is a typical representative of recently created local councils. So, out of all 10 questions of the questionnaire, 63.3÷96.7 % of respondents give positive assessments of the effectiveness of the work of the current village council. Satisfaction of 90÷96.7 % of respondents with work refers to the coordination of the actions of the units; unity in solving complex issues; conflict resolution by heads of departments; employee response rates to complex issues; consistency of the objectives of the village council units. Up to 73.3 % of respondents are sympathetic to the management style of the chairman of the village council; sequence in the actions of leadership.
Thanks to the survey, it is possible to determine numerically (as a percentage) who are satisfied with the work of the current organizational structure, and also to evaluate on a five-point scale the average satisfaction score. In particular, the average score (among respondents who are satisfied with the work of the Liubech village council) is 3.73÷4.16 points. The results show that the improvement of the existing organizational structure should be carried out in such a way that of all the ten areas considered to ensure maximum efficiency and understanding, as well as support from society. Compared with the existing approaches, a numerical assessment of satisfaction with local established criteria is proposed, which ensures an increase in information content and an objective determination of the directions for improving the organizational structure of the existing village council taking into account the results of its activities.
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