The analysis of sanitary quality of outplant drinking water
ground water, total microbial count, coli index, epidemiological indicator, decentralized water supplyAbstract
Sanitary state of drinking water quality is important because pathogens of many infectious diseases are transmitted through water. Ground water as a source of decentralized water supply is also affected by microbiological contamination. Microorganisms that have reached the groundwater are long stored and hard to remove from aquifers. The main objective of the study is to assess the sanitary state of drinking water of decentralized water supply.
High concentration of sanitary indicator microorganisms, namely Escherichia соli, indicates the contamination of water and possibility of content of pathogens and viruses. Therefore, E. coli was determined in water during the study.
The analysis of the sanitary state of drinking water of decentralized water supply showed unsatisfactory state of groundwater and, therefore, it may cause infectious and noninfectious human diseases. The growth of the coli-index and total microbial count depends on seasonal changes, so the wells in the studied areas should be monitored by microbiological indicators, especially in spring and autumn. For cleaning and restoring the wells, disinfection should be held, especially in spring.References
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