Crioscopic research yeast dough with herbal raw material
freezing, lowtemperature calorimeter, herbal raw materials, yeastleavened dough, cold storageAbstract
The production of frozen semifinished products made of dough is constantly increasing every year. Examinations of structural state and biological activity of water in dough and their changing under various conditions of storage and treatment play a great role in solving practical problems concerning the increase of the quality and safety of frozen semifinished products, as well as in creating conditions of healthy lifestyle.
Based on this, the appropriateness of adding potato, put through various modes of preliminary preparation, to the formulation of frozen dough products for improving rheological properties of dough and extending the storage life of semifinished products was suggested and experimentally substantiated. The influence of the above mentioned techniques on basic thermophysical properties of yeastleavened dough was studied, namely the change of moisture crystallization and melting range in the investigated samples, chilled moisture content and dough behavior while freezing. Herewith, it was experimentally proved that excluding the proof phase of dough products before freezing allows minimizing all possible enzymatic, microbiological and oxidizing processes in dough.
In addition, rationality and efficiency of using lowtemperature treatment of yeastleavened dough semifinished products for extending their storage life was scientifically grounded and proved.References
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