Properties of Е-plane waveguide converters of complex reflection coefficient
vector network analyzer, four-port discontinuity, reflection coefficient.Abstract
Graphical interface for studying the basic properties of a four-probe model of an X-shaped divider-diffuser of vector analyzer was developed.
The analysis of basic properties of multiport X-joints showed that they can be used in measuring converters of analyzers of complex reflection coefficient merely in the case when the single-mode operation remains both in rectangular waveguides of dividers and in discontinuous area of output ports joint. Thus, for symmetrical X-shaped E-plane power divider with cross dimensions of rectangular waveguide 7,2x4,6 mm, during the implementation of multimode operation in the output ports, or in the case of X-jointing with the angle of rectangular waveguides intersection equal to 135° and over, the dimensional refocusing of mutual arrangements of optical discontinuities of the divider-diffuser takes place. Disintegration of the four-probe equivalent circuit of divider, which is built within the scope of the circuit theory, occurs. Constructions of dividers with such parameters cannot be used in 12-pole measuring converters.
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