Automation of maritime technological complex with tethered underwater vehicle of working class
marine technological complex, self-propelled tethered underwater system, operation mode, automationAbstract
The problem of creating a generalized method for quantitative assessment of automation level of marine technological complex based on self-propelled tethered underwater system of the working class as a theoretical basis for comparative multivariate analysis of developed marine technological systems is considered. The analysis of application methods and operation modes of marine technological complex with the self-propelled underwater tethered system of the working class was made. The necessity of complex automation in order to improve its efficiency in conditions of external disturbances was shown. Based on the review of technical literature and analysis of operation modes of marine technological complex, the main areas of its automation were defined. Among these are the automation of complex equipment performance diagnosis, automation of movement modes of underwater vehicle and its external attachments, automation of control of information flows of the complex and control automation in emergency conditions. The basic ratios for quantitative assessment of the level of marine technological complex automation, which are intended for using in the design of new and comparison of existing complexes were proposed. The results can be used in scientific-research and design organizations working in the field of underwater technologies.References
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