Identification of promising chickpea varieties for enrichment with selen




chickpea flour, chickpea grains, variability of nutrients, enrichment with selenium, iodine-deficient states


Providing the population with ecologically pure protein products of plant origin is an important problem, but the native use of chickpea grains is limited by the presence of anti-nutritional substances in them. As a result of enzymatic processes occurring during the germination of chickpea grains, the content of anti-nutritional substances is significantly reduced. Vegetable protein of chickpea grain has the ability to accumulate inorganic trace elements, transforming them into organic forms, soaking in the process of germination. Taking into account the prevalence of iodine-deficient states, the authors considered it appropriate to use selenium as a micronutrient, namely NaHSeO3 (1 g – 0.52 μg/g of selenium), which is a synergist of iodine and, in an organic-bound state, can quite efficiently combat iodine-deficient a disease. Scientists, breeders and technologists have not identified varieties of chickpeas with quality indicators, which is the most optimal for the process of germination and fortification. Therefore, the object of research is the chickpea grains of various vegetation periods, early ripening and mid-ripening (95 ... 115 and 115 ... 125 days of ripening, respectively), for the growing period of 2014 ... 2018. The total content of proteins of fats and carbohydrates was studied, mathematically processed and optimized according to criteria such as max amount of protein, min growing period, average content of fats and carbohydrates, at least 100 experimental samples of chickpea grains. It is established that early ripe varieties of chickpeas have an optimal protein content of 19.55%, fats – 15.95%, carbohydrates – 64.5%. Mid-ripening chickpea varieties have 18.7% protein, 15.95% fat and 64.75% carbohydrates. From the conducted experiment it is established that early ripe chickpea varieties are the most promising for enrichment with selenium, since the content of protein is superior to mid-ripening varieties by 0.85%, and ripen 20–25 days earlier in the growing season.

Author Biographies

Yana Biletska, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svobody sq., Kharkiv, Ukraina, 61022


Department of International E-commerce and Hotel and Restaurant Business


Myushfik Bakirov, University of Customs and Finance, 2/4, Volodymyra Vernadskoho str., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49000


Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Merchandise


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How to Cite

Biletska, Y., & Bakirov, M. (2019). Identification of promising chickpea varieties for enrichment with selen. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(3(49), 41–44.



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