Sociometric assessment of brands of mineral water




marketing research, mineral water market, sociometric analysis, brand rank, consumer factors


Today, in conditions of intense competition and dynamic development of the market, brands play a major role in the sustainable development of the enterprise. It is the brands that provide security, confidence of competitors, strengthen the position of the product in the minds of consumers, facilitate the promotion of new products and conquer new niches in the market. It also strengthens the trust of partners providing the enterprise with access to human, financial, informational and other resources, and reduces the sensitivity of the consumer audience to the price factor. Of particular importance is the issue of brands in the mineral water market, where one of the most problematic places, in conditions of intense competition, is the presentation of comprehensive research, the identification of basic food needs and consumption characteristics of this particular product. Therefore, the object of this research is the process of sociometric assessment of mineral water brands.

A sociometric analysis of brands along with quantitative indicators is carried out; they are the most important qualitative criteria for assessing brands. A methodological approach to the sociometric assessment of brands in the mineral water market is proposed, the sociometric status and strength of brands are determined based on the assessment of the significance of its individual attributes. The presented brand rating allows to highlight the factors affecting the choice of a mineral water brand for a consumer audience. Sociometric surveys were conducted and a sociometric matrix and brand card were formed. The results of the analysis of sociometric assessment allow to identify the main trends in the consumption of mineral water, highlight the prospects for developing a brand leader strategy in the market through the introduction of innovative technologies, motivation and staff development. As well as developing programs for effective brand management and highlighting the main advantages of the brand.

Prospects for further research are monitoring and auditing the Ukrainian mineral water market, analysis of brand strategies and methods to increase the competitiveness of the brand as a whole.

Author Biography

Diana Fayvishenko, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kioto str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Journalism and Advertising


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How to Cite

Fayvishenko, D. (2019). Sociometric assessment of brands of mineral water. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(50), 26–29.