Cagulation structure of cement slurry whith a variety of clay component


  • Наталія Олександрівна Дорогань National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnical Institute" 37 Prospect Peremogy, Kiev 03056, Ukraine, Ukraine



cement, dispersed system, composition, dispersion ability, mineralogy, coagulation structure, rheology, viscosity


We have shown the particularities of the coagulation structure formation in water dispersed systems such as the cement slurries based on chalkstone with the usage of clay components with different chemical and mineralogical compositions and dispersion abilities. There is the comparison of the properties of the polymineral clay used for production of Portland cements against different types of the kaolin clay used for making of white cements. It has been noticed that varying types of the clay component in raw stuff mixtures used for making of Portland cement clinker with prescribed properties (such as saturation factor, modules, and phase composition) would constitute an important factor influencing the coagulation structure formation and the clinker properties in the cases of wet and combined methods of production. When the said methods are applied in the white cement technology, the use of enriched kaolin as the clay component would facilitate increasing both the whiteness of the final product and the stability of the slurries. 

Author Biography

Наталія Олександрівна Дорогань, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnical Institute" 37 Prospect Peremogy, Kiev 03056, Ukraine

Graduate student of Chemical technology of composite materials


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How to Cite

Дорогань, Н. О. (2013). Cagulation structure of cement slurry whith a variety of clay component. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(5(14), 15–17.



Technology organic and inorganic substances