Research of the influence of humanomics on the economic effect of compensation agreements




humanitarian economy, military goods, military equipment, military-technical cooperation, offset policy, offset deal


The object of research is the humanitarian context of offset policy, which is studied using the collection of evidence in the field of study-in the defense industry of Europe. One of the most problematic places in the sphere of trade in military goods is the humanitarian factor of economic relations, namely the influence of non-economic factors on the economic effect. The humanitarian aspect of economic relations led to a study of the foundations of the so-called «humanitarian economy» or «humanomics» as a moral and ethical category of economic relations, and military-technical cooperation, as a purely rational category of relations between producers, suppliers and importers of military products. The concept of «humanomics» is formed not so long ago, therefore this topic is not sufficiently disclosed in the literature, making research promising. During the study, the key concepts of the traditional and humanitarian economics, their dialectic unity, interpenetration and interconnection were revealed. In addition to studying the impact of compensation transactions on business processes in small and medium-sized enterprises, a special business model, the so-called compensation transaction model, is developed in this research. The model is based on a three-stage systematic approach: at the first stage, problems associated with compensation agreements at small and medium enterprises are identified, and at the second stage, empirical data are analyzed. At the latter, a theoretical model is proposed that is specially developed for practicing specialists and is tested using practically two specific cases. Thanks to the use of the proposed model, it is possible to support the implementation of compensation agreements at all levels of management, including planning, implementation of tasks and control. For the military-trade cooperation of Ukraine with other weapons-importing countries, offset models will contribute to deepening economic cooperation in the competition on the global arms and military equipment markets. Therefore, it is extremely important, while strengthening the humanitarian aspects of offset policy, at the same time actively developing and implementing mechanisms of competitive counteraction.

Author Biographies

Stepan Kubiv, Kyiv

PhD, Associate Professor

Yuriy Balanyuk, National Aviation University 1, Kosmonavta Komarova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Information Security


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How to Cite

Kubiv, S., & Balanyuk, Y. (2019). Research of the influence of humanomics on the economic effect of compensation agreements. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(4(51), 51–54.