Development of road sector’s lend valuation method for aims of asset management




asset management, valuation, road sector, land plots.


The object of research is the land management processes of the road sector. The studies are based on the use of a multistructure approach, the basic principles of the theory of complex systems and the methodology of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) by Thomas Saaty. The main hypothesis of the study is the application of a multi-structure approach to valuing assets, which are not comprehensively evaluated in the study, but are considered as complex objects and are divided into simpler levels, components and elements that can be evaluated separately. The features of the valuation of land of the road sector are considered, and the main stages of the evaluation sequence are identified. It has been established that the land valuation is the main component of the valuation of the asset of the road sector, which is located on it. The results of a theoretical study make it possible to develop an algorithm for valuing land of the road sector for asset management purposes. The developed algorithm has a clear sequence in the formation of the methodology for the land valuation of the road economy, it makes it possible to justify the adoption of managerial decisions regarding the land plot, which are consistent with the goals and correspond to the nature of the tasks of the functioning and development of the road sector. The testing of the developed algorithm is performed on a real example. It is found that the algorithm allows to optimize the process of valuation and management of road assets, which is especially important within limited financial resources. The choice of land valuation options is based on criteria of economic efficiency, based on the main limitations and features of land valuation of the road sector. The results of the calculations can be a weighty basis for the formulation of managerial goals for the assets of the road sector and will form the basis for further scientific studies of the process of valuation of assets under financial constraints.

Author Biographies

Olena Slavinska, National Transport University, 1, Omelyanovicha-Pavlenko str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Transport Construction and Property Management

Anna Kharchenko, National Transport University, 1, Omelyanovicha-Pavlenko str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Transport Construction and Property Management

Andrey Bubela, National Transport University, 1, Omelyanovicha-Pavlenko str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Transport Construction and Property Management

Oleksandr Chechuha, National Transport University, 1, Omelyanovicha-Pavlenko str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Transport Construction and Property Management


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How to Cite

Slavinska, O., Kharchenko, A., Bubela, A., & Chechuha, O. (2020). Development of road sector’s lend valuation method for aims of asset management. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(2(52), 43–46.



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