Development of a model of integrated risk and conflict management of scientific project stakeholders under conditions of behavioral economy
scientific project, stakeholder, conflict and risk management, factor of behavioral economy, integrated management.Abstract
The object of research is the processes of conflict and risk management of stakeholders of a scientific project, in particular the project team, the main executors of the project (scientists) and other stakeholders, in a behavioral economy. At the present stage of the country’s development, scientists work in very difficult conditions, in particular: limited resources (material, human, financial, time and others). The complexity of internal and external processes of a scientific project and the relationship between its stakeholders leads to risks and conflicts that may be caused by behavioral factors. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically approach the analysis of scientific project stakeholders, develop a unified approach to integrated risk and conflict management of scientific project stakeholders in a behavioral economy.
The paper proposes a model of integrated risk and conflict management of a scientific project in a behavioral economy, which is based on the following stages:
– identification of stakeholders and related risks, conflicts and behavioral economics that may arise in the planning and implementation of a scientific project and have an impact on it;
– building a model of integrated risk and conflict management of stakeholders of a scientific project in a behavioral economy;
– the modeling of integrated risk and conflict management of stakeholders of the scientific project in the conditions of behavioral economy is carried out on the basis of the identified risks, conflicts and factors of behavioral economy.
The developed model of integrated risk and conflict management of stakeholders in a behavioral economy will analyze the main factors influencing stakeholders, including risks, conflicts and behavioral economics, on the scientific project. The use of the principles of integrated management of various factors allows to determine the sources and causes of complications that may arise in the scientific project, and the simulation results will be useful to the project manager and its team in the planning and implementation of the project.
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