Using the decision-making technology in organization of compliance in the sphere of accumulated pension provision




search engine, search query, compliance, user interest, accumulative pension provision.


The paper examines the combination of Google Trends search engine tools and the Decision Making Helper decision support system, taking into account the possibility of solving scientific problems in the compliance organization. The object of research is the compliance organization in the field of funded pension provision. One of the most problematic areas is the lack of research to assess the level of interest of users of the search engine Google Trends in the topic of compliance and the degree of its spread. This hinders the practice of identifying trends and current trends in the development of modern scientific, social and professional thought in the organization of compliance. The research used the tools of the Google Trends search engine based on the frequency of requests for this definition in Ukrainian, Russian and English. According to the frequency of search queries of users, trend models for the considered concepts of "compliance" have been built, having a satisfactory (0.859 and 0.7507) value of the approximation reliability. These two trend models are recommended for predicting the level of user interest in the compliance topic. So, it is modeled the process of assessing the level of interest of users of the Google Trends search engine by the “compliance” concept. This provides the advantage of being able to predict the interest of Google Trends users on the topic. The positive effect of the conducted research is to identify trends and current trends in the development of modern scientific, social and professional thought on compliance.

Obtained, using the Decision Making Helper decision support system, an assessment of alternatives for the key components of the organization's compliance in the area of funded pension provision. This is due to the fact that the proposed approach to decision-making has a number of features, including organizational, methodological and process aspects. In particular, the priority of the organizational aspect is determined, it has the characteristics of the most positive decision. This provides benefits such as automating decisions and the ability to prioritize those decisions.

Author Biography

Svitlana Achkasova, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, 9 A, Nauky ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Banking and Financial Services


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How to Cite

Achkasova, S. (2020). Using the decision-making technology in organization of compliance in the sphere of accumulated pension provision. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(4(55), 29–37.



Problems of Macroeconomics and Socio-Economic Development: Original Research