Studying the influence of golden flax seeds on the process of formation and maturation of wheat dough
gold flax seeds, gluten frame, dough fermentation, starch gel formation, flax seed polysaccharidesAbstract
Model experiments were carried out to establish the effect of flax seeds on the processes that form and mature wheat-flour dough. The study objects were wheat flour of the highest grade (control) and a mixture of wheat flour of the highest grade and whole flax seeds in the amount of 15 % by weight of flour (experimental sample), as well as dough made from them.
It was found during the research that the introduction of flax seeds to the dough system prolongs the duration of its formation by 22 minutes. In this regard, when making wheat bread with the addition of whole flax seeds, it is necessary to provide for an extended duration of kneading the dough. Along with this, the formation of the amount of gluten in the dough was observed that is less by 17 % than that in the control, and which had a low unbound structure and less stretchability. The reason for this is that the slime-forming polysaccharides of flax seeds enter the liquid phase of the dough, thereby enveloping the protein substances, limiting their swelling, and, by sticking to the gluten frame, prevent the formation of a solid gluten structure. This further predetermines the formation of products of a smaller volume.
Studying the effect of flax seeds on dough maturation processes in terms of the amount of released carbon dioxide during fermentation has shown that in a sample with flax, the duration of dough fermentation can be reduced to 90 minutes.
The result of this study has also established that in the sample with the addition of whole seeds, due to the influence of water-soluble polysaccharides of flax, the accumulation and fermentation of sugars in the dough system occurs to a lesser extent than that in control.
The introduction of flax seeds leads to a decrease in the susceptibility of starch to gel formation. Consequently, it can be predicted that starch grains will not be able to bind enough water and, during baking, a less elastic crumb will be formed.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Yulia Bondarenko, Olena Bilyk, Oksana Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Galina Andronovich

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