Mean-square errors of object positioning in rectangular coordinate system
coordinate, search object, carrier, sighting, mathematical model, mean-square error, control systemAbstract
The original method for determining object coordinates before drawing them on topographic maps in a rectangular coordinate system by sighting the angular object position by the navigation system (complex) from the mobile carrier was proposed, and mathematical expressions for the object positioning in the rectangular coordinate system were obtained in the paper. The main objective is to study the method and simplified algorithm for the location object positioning in the rectangular coordinate system, based on multiple measurements of the object sighting angle on the course from the mobile carrier. The methods and simplified algorithms for object positioning in the rectangular coordinate system, based on measurements of the search object sighting angles on the course from the mobile carrier with the motion trajectory, which provides multiple object sighting were proposed, mean-square sighting errors, caused by errors of angle sensors of the control system of the navigation system were defined, and requirements for measurement accuracy of angle sensors were determined. The obtained results prove the prospects of using the object positioning method and algorithm in navigation systems of aircraft and ground vehicles.References
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