Optimization of infrastructure projects parameters in the program
stakeholders of infrastructure projects, project value, optimization of the program composition, infrastructure facility, project risksAbstract
The object of research is infrastructure projects as part of the program. The products of infrastructure projects are various infrastructural objects that together provide a certain value for stakeholders, for example, a certain bandwidth of the transport network or the capacity of a port, channel, etc. Identification of the parameters of project products is carried out at the stage of program development. For most projects, these parameters allow for variability within certain limits. The interconnection of infrastructure projects is determined not only by general financing and management, but, above all, by the consistency of the properties of goods. Therefore, the optimization of the parameters of the products of such projects is carried out integrally, within a single model. Coordination of the parameters of the products of infrastructure projects as part of the program requires formalized methods that allow them to be optimized taking into account both local constraints for each project and the global conditions for implementing the program. As a result of the study, a concept has been formed and an appropriate model has been developed, which allows setting the optimal parameters of the products of infrastructure projects as part of the program. Modeling is based on the ability to vary the parameters of project products and their relationship with the characteristics of projects and the program as a whole, such as value, costs, and the magnitude of risks. Since the program and the projects included in it can be of a non-commercial nature, therefore, the main criterion of optimality for the parameters of the products of projects and programs is a universal category – value, and it is considered for all stakeholders. The use of this model in the development of the program and the infrastructure projects included in it ensures the optimization of the required result while meeting certain requirements and limiting conditions. The model belongs to the class of nonlinear models and is developed for a situation where a so-called «main» project (or their combination) can be distinguished, which form(s) the requirements for the products of other projects interconnected with it, which is typical for infrastructure programs.
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