Resource support of adaptation capabilities of the pharmaceutical industry under COVID-19 pandemic


  • Natalia Klunko Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics; Autonomous Nonprofit Organization of Higher Education «Russian New University», Russian Federation



pandemic problems, pharmaceutical complex, antiviral strategy, externalization, adaptive capabilities, resource provision model


The object of research in this work is the pharmaceutical complex as one of the most important elements of the «antiviral strategy», formed both at the global level and at the level of national states. These strategies are a new direction of management and, as the practice of their implementation shows, the effectiveness of these strategies is low due to the lack of a clear vision of the possibilities of their resource provision. This prevents the pharmaceutical complex from successfully adapting to the current situation.

It is determined that the pharmaceutical industry is currently struggling to address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. These problems are associated with a lack of experience in operating in the context of a sharp surge in morbidity and with excessive commercialization of the production of vaccines and antiviral drugs, which gives rise to competition between firms and brands, which in some cases is unfair. And also with an insufficient intellectual component of the pharmaceutical industry, which is manifested in the absence of «breakthrough solutions» and scientific discoveries in this area. These circumstances significantly reduce the ability to counter a pandemic, require appropriate solutions, in particular, the adaptation of the pharmaceutical complex to current conditions.

Through the use of the method of analysis, generalization and classification, the existing resource base of the pharmaceutical industry is considered in the work.

The analysis shows that the «financial resources» and «human capital» of the pharmaceutical industry are currently hardly able to solve the problem of COVID-19. At the moment, the only resource that can really change the situation for the better are organizational resources that allow influencing positive solutions to the indicated problem at the lowest cost and in a relatively short period of time.

The paper provides a list of areas that form the «field of organizational resources», provides the appropriate arguments that allow to recommend them for practical use.

Author Biography

Natalia Klunko, Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics; Autonomous Nonprofit Organization of Higher Education «Russian New University»

PhD, Doctoral Student

Deputy Head of Department

Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies


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How to Cite

Klunko, N. (2021). Resource support of adaptation capabilities of the pharmaceutical industry under COVID-19 pandemic. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(4(58), 6–11.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research