Research of territorial branding technology




branding, logo, territorial marketing, city branding, image, investment, infrastructure, brand communication


The concepts of nation branding and urban marketing, their place and tasks in an image creation and promotion of the country, city or territory are studied in the paper.

The main factors, which should be considered when developing the city brand − infrastructure, economic and socio-political, are determined. The criteria required for the strategic plan of the city development are proposed.

Using the logo and city branding is an integral part of the city development and attraction of tourists and investment. When designing a logo and brand the experience of European cities should be taken into account.

The examples of brands and logos of the cities in Western Europe, Russia, as well as Lviv and Odessa are considered. The main objectives of their introduction are given. The possible customers of city branding and objectives that may be pursued by them are given. Both successful and failed examples of creating and using logos are shown.

It was found that the introduction of high-quality brand is a pledge of residents’ satisfaction, using the logo encourages the authorities to the development of urban infrastructure, the construction of new cultural and sports centers, the art development that improves life quality.

Author Biographies

Вероника Игоревна Фартыгина, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Lenin avenue, 16, Kharkov, 61166

Department of Media Systems and Technology

Александр Владимирович Вовк, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Lenin avenue, 16, Kharkov, 61166

Assistant professor

Department of Media Systems and Technology


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How to Cite

Фартыгина, В. И., & Вовк, А. В. (2014). Research of territorial branding technology. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(2(16), 53–58.



Economy of enterprise