Problem of choosing an enterprise resource planning system and methods of its solution
ERP, Analytic Hierarchy Process, fuzzy setsAbstract
This article presents a new approach to choosing ERP. The need for a special technique is caused by high value of error as a result of high costs of the systems and their strategic importance. This approach uses the modified Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and fuzzy sets theory. Using the expert selection procedures allows to overcome the problem connected with the lack of statistical data from the past implemented projects. Application of the fuzzy assessments helps to solve the problems of ambiguity and subjectivity in construction of the pairwise comparisons matrix. Besides, the simplified procedure for filling the matrix allows the experts to avoid mistakes. It is based on the calculation of the matrix elements using the formulas based on just a few expert opinions. It is based on the calculation of the matrix elements using the formulas based on just a few expert opinions. The selection algorithm takes into account the strategic nature of such projects and allows to decompose the objectives of choice and improve determination of the significant criteria.References
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