Optimization of parameters of the extraction process of biologically active substances of grass Adonis vernalis





flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, phenolic compounds, Adonis vernalis, extraction process, optimal conditions, extraction method


The object of this research is the herb Adonis vernalis and hydroalcoholic extracts obtained on its basis. By the nature of the action, the drugs Adonis vernalis belong to the group of cardiac glycosides and occupy an intermediate place between strophanthin and digitalis. In official medicine, biologically active compounds of Adonis vernalis are included in drugs such as Cardiovalen, Adonis-bromine, Caridiolin and Cardiophyte. In the extemporal formulation, the extract is part of the Bechterew’s medicine. Until recently, scientists have made significant progress in studying the phytochemical and pharmacological action of the herb Adonis vernalis. However, one should not be limited to the use of Adonis vernalis only for stimulating cardiac activity, one should also consider the promising antioxidant effect of flavonoids and phenolic compounds that are contained in this medicinal plant. Also, studies of the extraction conditions of the herb Adonis vernalis are not described in the scientific literature.

The study carried out the extraction of the grass Adonis vernalis by various methods (static and dynamic). The type of extract was chosen as the most rational, which provides the maximum yield of extractives (phenolic compounds and cardiac glycosides). For this, the optimal extraction conditions were selected, namely, the particle size, the type of extractant, the value of the hydromodule and the extraction method. Accordingly, the optimal particle diameter for maximum extraction of biologically active substances of the herb Adonis vernalis is 2.5 mm, the optimal extractant is 70 % ethyl alcohol, the ratio of raw materials: extractant is 1:10, the optimal extraction method is maceration with constant stirring. Phytochemical studies of the quantitative composition of the main groups of biologically active substances were carried out using calorimetric and spectrophotometric methods of analysis.

As a result of the optimization of the process and its introduction into production on an industrial scale, the value added effect will be achieved. And also a high-quality product has been created that will compete with broad-spectrum drugs already existing on the market.

Author Biographies

Anna Krvavych, Lviv Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assistant

Department of Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Roksolana Konechna, Lviv Polytechnic National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology


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How to Cite

Krvavych, A., & Konechna, R. (2021). Optimization of parameters of the extraction process of biologically active substances of grass Adonis vernalis. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(3(59), 14–18. https://doi.org/10.15587/2706-5448.2021.235471



Chemical and Technological Systems: Reports on Research Projects