Modeling the phased implementation of headhunting as a way to fill vacancies




headhunting, direct candidate search, recruiter, closing vacancies, sourcing, personnel management, recruitment


The object of research is a set of stages of processes, used in the application of hunting as a method of closing vacancies. Such stages include: sources of search for candidates, ways of their interest formation, telephone conversation as an interview, negotiations and compilation of statistics with direct transfer of information to the director of the company.

In the course of the study, such general scientific and specific research methods as analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, as well as methods of comparison, observation and a systematic approach, were used. These methods are to determine the results and dynamics when recruiting strategies are changed or when they are combined. With the help of comparison methods and a systematic approach, it was possible to determine the optimal strategy for closing the required number of vacancies in the future. Using the observation method, it was possible to consider the dynamics of indicators from each selection method separately or in different combinations with each other.

Among the complex methods, an analysis was used, which allowed to understand the dynamics of indicators and draw conclusions based on them on each of the options for implementing the methods. With the help of induction on the basis of a set of conclusions about each of the options separately, a generalized conclusion was made about the further rationality of the method of hunting as effective for businesses. The simulation allowed us to develop a strategy for the phased implementation of hunting based on direct search and understanding of its difference with the latter. With regard to theoretical methods, in the process of research the transition was made from the definitions and general provisions of the hunt to a specific consideration of the method in the enterprise and its direct implementation.

The result of all studies was:

– summary of theoretical aspects of headhunting as an effective method of attracting staff;

– effective change of dynamics of indicators at the enterprise during introduction of hunting and its combination with direct search;

– a developed strategy for the phased implementation of the hunt to increase the effectiveness of the method.

Author Biographies

Anna Zhaldak, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»


Department of Management

Mariia Krasovska, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Department of Management


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How to Cite

Zhaldak, A., & Krasovska, M. (2021). Modeling the phased implementation of headhunting as a way to fill vacancies. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(62), 6–11.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Reports on Research Projects