Formation of digital databases in monitoring of realization of educational-intellectual potential of the regions of Ukraine
digital database, educational and intellectual potential, labor markets, data mining, technically correct dataAbstract
The object of research is databases of graduates of educational institutions that need to be digitalized and prepared for analysis. The study highlights the formation of a digital database out of the graduates among educational institutions for monitoring the implementation of educational and intellectual potential. Monitoring procedures for tracking the implementation of educational and intellectual potential are an important component of making managerial decisions to balance supply and demand in professional labor markets, make better use of the human potential of economic development, and reform educational institutions in accordance with the latest public needs. Monitoring procedures for tracking the employment of graduates are an important element of Education Management. The study highlights the technology of preparing and forming databases of graduates of educational institutions for further work with them (conducting a survey, summarizing and visualizing its results) using Microsoft Excel. For this purpose, methods of intelligence analysis of data, ranking and classification of statistical populations, and data mining technologies are used. Approaches to structuring and coding graduate data are described. The mechanism for creating a digital database is provided with arguments and descriptions of all the structural components of the database: fields, headers, and records. The description of the sequence and results of working with databases is given on the example of data from graduates of higher educational institutions of the Lviv region. These technologies for working with databases were obtained during the implementation of the regional development project within the framework of EU sectoral support, which was implemented in the Lviv region (Ukraine) in 2018–2020 with the participation of the authors. The proven method of forming digital databases highlighted in the study is only a stage of monitoring the implementation of the educational and intellectual potential of graduates of educational institutions of the Lviv region. Method can be used and scaled to other regions of Ukraine without significant changes or to educational institutions of different levels with minor clarifications. At the same time, the creation of such databases at the national level would increase the effectiveness of monitoring the employment of graduates. The proposed methodology is universal and allows for national research, as well as provides opportunities for international comparisons of educational and intellectual potential.
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