Reproduction management of soil fertility for innovative approach in agromelioration of Ukraine
Monte Carlo method, managing the reproduction of soil fertility, innovation in the branch of agromelioration, ecological and economic effectAbstract
The object of research is managing reproduction of soil fertility using innovations in the field of agromelioration. One of the most problematic places is actualization the role and impact of innovations in agromelioration to ensure their effective management for the reproduction of soil fertility, increase land productivity and the sustainability of their use. Issues that raise in research are essential for the agricultural economy, but not always achieve goals for this reason, including natural and climatic factors. The set of such causes is not always possible to predict and to consider it especially at macro level.
In the course of the study, the modeling approaches of the economic processes in land agromelioration on the basis of widespread use of random numbers (Monte Carlo), according to the received series production studies of changes in crop yields by crop rotation. Separately were used methods the Economic and Statistical – with the determination of the processes of validization and evaluation of the obtained results, Balance – when calculating the indicators of aggregated states, Planned and Calculated according to the development of targets and measurement of economic and ecological effects, etc.
The results of the studies allow general condition of land resources in which there is a need for agromelioration measures due to disturbance of the soil environment and deviation of the pH value from the permissible level. It’s noted that in Ukraine due to the existing unbalanced land use there is a further acidification of soils, at the same time there are significant areas of land that need desalination and/or desalinization. We carried out an in-depth analysis and substantiation of the transition to innovations in land agromelioration technologies, which are not inferior to the best world standards and are modern resource-saving due to the use of land agromelioration. The ecological and economic efficiency of the use of calcium-iron sludge (CIS) in relation to the desalination action in comparison with other agromelioration measures is revealed. We proposed to improve scientific and methodological approaches to estimation the effectiveness of management the reproduction of soil fertility by randomness (uncertainty) conditions the based on production approbation, using a variety of agromeliorative techniques (variances).
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