The formation of strategic portfolio of the development of risk management in telecommunications enterprises during martial law and post-war conditions




risk, strategy, risk management, strategic approach, analysis, evaluation, economic security of telecommunications enterprises


The object of research is the processes of interaction of components of the strategic portfolio of development of telecommunications enterprises, which are subject to the principles of economic security and highlight risk management measures, in terms of overcoming the negative consequences of any changes, conflicts, crises, management problems, and stresses from external influences on the development of telecommunications enterprises. One of the most problematic areas is to determine the actual risks of strategic development of telecommunications enterprises caused by threats and challenges due to the war in Ukraine, which resulted in the destruction of infrastructure, reconstruction works, demining, migration of personnel, reduced solvency of the population, investment risks. This requires an adequate response to preserve positions or minimize destruction. At the same time, an important task is the formation of strategic imperatives for the economic security of telecommunications enterprises. In addition, it is important not only to establish a list of such components, but also to substantiate the principles of ensuring the organisational and managerial stability and competitiveness of the telecommunications enterprise by forming a strategic portfolio for the development of risk management in conditions of instability and uncertainty during martial law and post-war conditions and the dynamism of the external environment.

In the course of the study, methods of detailed analysis of the current state of the problem, based on information search and methods of empirical research (observation, comparison) were used. As well as the method of synthesis and structural-genetic method (extraction from a complex phenomenon of such elements that significantly affect the rest of the research object, in the case of sustainable development tools). At the same time different sources of information, databases, secondary sources of information, company websites and analytical reports were used. As well as primary sources - interviews of company representatives.

The scientific and practical value of the study lies in the formation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic risk management aimed at avoiding or reducing them and at the same time ensuring the desired level of economic security of the telecommunications enterprise. This will allow clearly building the management process in the risk management system in the long term and ensuring the desired level of economic security of the telecommunications enterprise.

This allows a reasonable approach to building a business, contributes to the improvement of strategic plans through the relationship with risk management, namely:

– possibility of in-depth goal setting to achieve the ultimate goal;

– development of the least risky strategic set and an effective system of performance indicators;

– improving the efficiency of risk management;

– adaptation to changes in the external and internal environment;

– increasing the flexibility of the business model.

Author Biographies

Olena Vynogradova, State University of Telecommunications

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Marketing

Nadiia Pysar, State University of Telecommunications

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Marketing

Alina Zakharzhevska, State University of Telecommunications

Senior Lecturer

Department of Management


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The formation of strategic portfolio of the development of risk management in telecommunications enterprises during martial law and post-war conditions




How to Cite

Vynogradova, O., Pysar, N., & Zakharzhevska, A. (2022). The formation of strategic portfolio of the development of risk management in telecommunications enterprises during martial law and post-war conditions. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(68), 12–16.



Economics and Enterprise Management