Assessment of deforestation impacts on carbon sequestration in Edo State south Southern Nigeria




deforestation, carbon sequestration, tree cover loss, forested land, climate change mitigation, Edo State


The stocking and sequestering of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that result from improving the carbon sink are two important ways that forested land contributes to the fight against global warming. The purpose of the study is to estimate the rate of carbon sequestration (CS) in Edo State, Nigeria, as well as the volume of deforestation and its impact on CS. To gauge the changes in carbon stock, stock-difference and gain-loss methods were employed. The gain-loss method predicts gains and losses based on off-take and growth rates, while the stock-difference approach uses actual measurements of carbon stocks over a given period of time. These two methods presuppose that changes in carbon stock and CO2 flows to or from the atmosphere are equal. To quantify the decline of the forest, geographical studies and satellite imagery were used. Comparing the area covered by forest in the same region at two distinct eras allowed researchers to determine the annual rate of change. The outcome showed that tree cover loss (TCL, kg/ha) was decreased in 18 local government regions (LGAs). As a result, throughout the baseline consideration period of 2010 to 2022, Etasko East (EE) and Estako West (ES), Ovia South East (OSW), and Ovia North have had the least loss in tree cover. The increased demand on human survival brought on by the expanding population may provide an explanation for this observation and discovery. As a result of this development, forests underwent transformation and were used to produce food, build cities and homes, and generate energy. The region with the highest rates of tree cover loss and deforestation was associated with the highest CS, which was calculated at 2700 tC/ha at OSW, and the lowest CS value point at 22.2 tC/ha at Oredo Edo (OE). As a result, OSW showed that dense forests had higher biomass carbon storage than grazing land and open forests. In conclusion, the study showed that Edo State has a significant potential for raising the level of carbon sequestration in order for the state to generate a profit from the sale of carbon stock and enhance climate change mitigation efforts.

Supporting Agency

  • Presentation of research in the form of publication through financial support in the form of a grant from SUES (Support to Ukrainian Editorial Staff).

Author Biographies

David Suru Aweh, Auchi Polytechnic

Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics

Yahaya Olotu, Auchi Polytechnic


Department of Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering

Rasheed Ibrahim, Auchi Polytechnic

Department of Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering

Linda Ngozi Izah, Auchi Polytechnic

Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics

Arohunmolase Adeboye John, Auchi Polytechnic

Department of Mineral & Petroleum Engineering


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Assessment of deforestation impacts on carbon sequestration in Edo State south Southern Nigeria




How to Cite

Aweh, D. S., Olotu, Y., Ibrahim, R., Izah, L. N., & John, A. A. (2023). Assessment of deforestation impacts on carbon sequestration in Edo State south Southern Nigeria. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(3(70), 18–24.



Ecology and Environmental Technology