Definition of essence of concept approaches to crewing business conduct




conceptual approach, parity of parties interests, economic approach to human behavior


It is a research of conceptual approaches to crewing business conduct. It is ascertained that their essential basements are determined by the interests of ship owner as principal and crewing company acting as servant on seaman labor market. Seaman is object in this business process though which principal and servant performing the service pursue their own interests. They treat the seaman interests as secondary and limited to assigning of salary.

On the other hand, seaman maximizing behavior in selection of employment variant means pursuit to unitize his limited resources (human capital, time, health) in the way to obtain maximal result in achieving competing goals, including of intangible nature (career, preservation of health, prestige of employment company, minimization of travel time, leaning the World, etc.)

The seaman subjectively estimates “weight” of positive and negative factors, determines his own “shadow” prices and selects the employment variant with maximal difference between summarized “shadow” prices of positive-negative factors  and marginal utility of used resources.

In practice, seaman capability to take a decision based on such economic approach is limited as a rule.

This leads to considerable economic losses of ship owner and his servant due to early discharge of seaman from the ship, causes severe socio-psychological and economical damage to employee.

That is to provide optimization of business concept of crewing activity by including seaman interests into structure of interest of principal and servant. The mechanism structure of making the most favorable employment decision by seaman basing on economic approach is offered.

Author Biography

Виталий Матвеевич Лукашевич, Odessa National Maritime University, str. Mechnikova 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

Candidate of Economics, Professor

Department of Management and Marketing in Maritime Transport


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How to Cite

Лукашевич, В. М. (2014). Definition of essence of concept approaches to crewing business conduct. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(2(19), 43–47.