Modeling the participant's behavior in projects of erp implementation


  • Наталия Робертовна Полуэктова Zaporizhzhia Institute of Economic and Information Technologies, Kiiashko 14 B, Zaporizhzhia, 69015, Ukraine



behavioral theories, ERP implementation projects, games theory


This article presents an analysis of modern studies of behavioral theories that allow to find the solutions of complex problems of implementing innovative projects in organizations. The main purpose of this study is to develop the approaches to improve the effectiveness of the participant’s activities in ERP implementation projects. The "human" factor is one of the main causes of failure or low efficiency of such projects realization. People resist innovations and do not want to do extra work to get new opportunities. The methods of game theory can provide the solutions. The proposed approach allows to find optimal variants to stimulate the participants of the project, as well as to determine the conditions to create coalition of different participant’s categories to maximize of project effectiveness at minimum cost. The results can be used as a basis for the optimal solutions in the organization of ERP-systems implementation projects.

Author Biography

Наталия Робертовна Полуэктова, Zaporizhzhia Institute of Economic and Information Technologies, Kiiashko 14 B, Zaporizhzhia, 69015


Department of Економіc Cybernetic


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How to Cite

Полуэктова, Н. Р. (2014). Modeling the participant’s behavior in projects of erp implementation. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(2(19), 75–80.