Social responsibility of domestic enterprises




social responsibility, business environment, matrix of feasibility, enterprise, internal and external environments


The article deals with the conditions of enterprises functioning in modern economy, which are characterized by high dynamism of external environment. A domestic enterprise can become effective due to its adaptation to these changes. Compliance of internal environment with the requirements of external environment as the most important factor in market success has prompted the enterprise to constant transformation.

Purposeful and continuous development of enterprises, which maintains the economic, industrial, technical, social indicators within the influence of external and internal environments, requires consideration of the interests of customers, subordinates, society, partners, employees, suppliers, managers, shareholders.

Social responsibility is the strategic direction of social development of enterprises.

It is outlined the essence of CSR as a concept whereby the enterprise should consider the interests of the society by taking responsibility for the impact of decisions and activities on society and the environment, consumers, employees, partners, suppliers, managers.

The directions for implementing social responsibility focused on enterprises purposeful and continuous development are given.

The advantages given for an enterprise by realization of social responsibility are exposed. The emphasis on the appropriateness of the matrix which helps to identify the key elements of feasibility of socially responsible business is placed on.

The prospects of the further development of the social responsibility of domestic enterprises are outlined.

Author Biographies

Василь Ярославович Брич, Ternopil National Economic University, Lvivska Str. 11, Ternopil, 46020

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of International Business and Tourism

Ірина Ігорівна Смачило, Ternopil National Economic University, Lvivska Str. 11, Ternopil, 46020

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Teacher

Department of International Business and Tourism


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How to Cite

Брич, В. Я., & Смачило, І. І. (2014). Social responsibility of domestic enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(2(19), 36–39.