Analysis of the marketing impact on the market and the end user of vegetable production




marketing, vegetable growing, marketing influence, vegetable market, consumer of vegetable products


The object of the research is the marketing impact on the market and end consumer of vegetable products. In the research process, a number of general scientific and special methods were used, in particular: system-structural analysis and synthesis as the main methodological tool, monographic and extrapolation.

The marketing influence on the market and the final consumer of vegetable growing products is disclosed. A marketing research of the vegetable market on the domestic and foreign markets was conducted, which is a necessary condition for the formation of an effective strategy and tactics for the development of marketing in this area. After all, the ratio of supply and demand in the vegetable market determines the movement of capital and the transfer of resources between industries and regions, affects the level and dynamics of prices and, therefore, is a key factor in the formation of producers' income. The development of new management methods and approaches convincingly demonstrates the need to implement marketing as one of the market tools capable of meeting the needs of the market and combining the interests of business entities. The development of new management methods and approaches convincingly demonstrates the need to implement marketing as one of the market tools capable of meeting the needs of the market and combining the interests of business entities. An important role is given to the factor of time and information. It has been proven that the quality and efficiency of the marketing system of the vegetable growing industry is ensured by the scientific methodical development, the objectivity of quantitative and qualitative assessments, the creation and implementation of a rational system of evaluation and management of this system, as well as the level of the marketing organization.

The practical significance lies in the methodological substantiation and conceptualization of the role of marketing influence on the market and consumer of vegetable production.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Maistrenko, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Postgraduate Student

Department of Marketing and International Trade


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Analysis of the marketing impact on the market and the end user of vegetable production




How to Cite

Maistrenko, V. (2023). Analysis of the marketing impact on the market and the end user of vegetable production. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(74), 58–62.



Economics and Enterprise Management