Investigation of greenhouse emission inventory from transport system functioning in large and medium cities
transport system, greenhouse emissions, SECAP, energy efficiency, CO2, fuel type, transport categoriesAbstract
The object of the research of the article is transport system of a city. The paper reviews the necessity to assess the greenhouse emissions in the city and proposes the methods for greenhouse emissions inventory of the urban transport system. The proposed approach is aligned with guidelines for the development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) of Mayor Covenants of European Union (EU). The methodologies outlined in the paper allow to estimate annual greenhouse emissions from transport sector.
The SECAP defines transport sectors based on ownership and functioning as following: municipal transport fleet, public transport, and private and commercial transport. The paper proposes the methodology to estimate direct and indirect emissions in each of the described sector based on the information that is typicaly available to municipalities in Ukraine. The assessment is conducted on disaggregated level for different fuel types (diesel, petroleum, natural gas, biofuel, electricity, etc.) and separately for each fleet type (buses, trucks, passenger vehicles, specialized machinery). Total CO2 emissions are then estimated by multiplying the amount of fuel consumed by the emission factor for each fuel type and vehicle type. Information of fuel consumption is estimated based on annual milage and estimated based on available data and number of assumptions proposed in the paper. The proposed methodology for greenhouse emissions inventory for the transport sector allows to analyze available data, recommendations for data collection and a methodology for determining CO2 emissions from the operation of the transport system with sufficient accuracy of calculations.
Based on these results, it is possible to forecast changes in energy consumption and emissions in the transport sector as a result of various interventions. For example, in Zhytomyr city the results of inventory were used to develop a set of measures, which include updating the rolling stock of electric transport; increasing the energy efficiency of the power grids of the transport system, developing cycling infrastructure.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Tokmylenko, Olena Chernyshova, Vitalii Chyzhyk

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