Development of managerial economics as a component of economic theory




managerial economics, system of managerial economics, international relations, macro level of economic relations


The object of research is managerial economics, which is considered as a component of economic theory. The scientific problem is that there are such concepts as management and managerial economics, which are tangential and somewhat overlapping. Managerial economics is included in the structure of the economic system as a separate component. It is also proven that managerial economics is a systemic entity and has the following levels: global, macro-, meso-, micro- and nano-. The study defined these levels and outlined the use of the global (international) and macro levels. Analysis of these categories is necessary for understanding the governance and governance conditions of global and national economies. The essence of the obtained results is that the existing system of managing international relations is inflexible and difficult to solve the global problems of humanity. And the management of national economies must correspond to the strategic development plans of a particular nation. These obtained results can be explained by the immobility of management structures and the need to revise the global economic order. At the state level, there should be levers for regulating economic relations.

It was noted in the work that society is a set of people united at a certain stage of historical development by one or another economic relations that determine all other social relations. The economic life of society consists of various phenomena and processes, the essence of which must be sought in social production. The concept of «managerial economics» is often used to characterize the regulation of social production. There are different approaches to defining the content of managerial economics. First, managerial economy is considered as regulation by a set of industries and types of material production. Secondly, a system of regulation of productive forces and production relations is usually associated with managerial economics. Thirdly, managerial economics regulates the conditions for achieving equilibrium and cyclicality of social production.

Author Biography

Tetiana Ostapenko, National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises


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Development of managerial economics as a component of economic theory




How to Cite

Ostapenko, T. (2024). Development of managerial economics as a component of economic theory. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(4(77), 15–20.



Economics and Enterprise Management