Increasing the accuracy of oil recovery factor predictions by integrating lithology data




oil recovery coefficient, Buckley-Leverett method, waterflooding, fractional flow curves, oil production, lithofacies data


The object of research in the paper is the process of oil extraction during flooding. The Buckley-Leverett method, which is widely used to estimate oil production in flooding, has certain limitations that lead to uncertainty in the results. This paper proposes to extend the Buckley-Leverett algorithm by integrating lithological data. This approach allows to take into account the influence of geological characteristics of the formation on the process of displacement of oil by water, which leads to a significant increase in the accuracy of forecasting the oil production coefficient. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed on the basis of data analysis of a real oil field.

The methodology for calculating the oil recovery coefficient during flooding using lithological dissection is presented. In this work, the steps of determining the oil recovery coefficient were analytically determined, which achieves a certain degree of accuracy due to the inclusion of the lithological characteristics of the permeable zone of the formation. The basic calculation of the lithological distribution over the layer was performed using the Kriging method. To confirm the accuracy of the Buckley-Leverett method, taking into account lithological dissection, the use of data analysis, including an experimental histogram and a theoretical normal distribution plot, is proposed. For data analysis, one hundred cases of lithological distribution were generated using the Sequential Indicator Simulation method.

The comparative analysis of the data of the experimental histogram and the theoretical graph of the normal distribution of the determination of oil recovery coefficients by the Buckley-Leverett method for cases with and without lithological dismemberment allows to quantitatively assess the accuracy of both studied options. On the basis of a real oil field, it is shown that the accuracy of oil recovery coefficients by the Buckley-Leverett method, taking into account lithological fragmentation, exceeds the similar method without taking into account lithological fragmentation by 11 %.

Author Biographies

Olena Martus, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Postgraduate Student

Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Technologies


Branimir Cvetkovic, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

PhD, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Technologies


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Increasing the accuracy of oil recovery factor predictions by integrating lithology data




How to Cite

Martus, O., & Cvetkovic, B. (2024). Increasing the accuracy of oil recovery factor predictions by integrating lithology data. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(1(77), 47–52.



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