Development of an intelligent model for management of the requirements of marketing projects of the pharmaceutical industry




marketing project, pharmaceutical industry, product requirements, requirements management, intelligent model


The object of research is the processes of managing the requirements of the marketing project using means of intelligent data analysis and artificial intelligence systems. Marketing projects include a large number of projects of various types, formats and scales. The work considers projects that are initiated at an existing pharmaceutical enterprise that produces drugs for the local market. Over a period of time, the company needs to introduce new dosage forms to the market. It is not about the development of new innovative drugs. Usually, these are new mixtures of known components, but according to the results of global research, adding new components to the formulation gives a new, additional effect. Also, it can be a new form, for example, a spray or syrup for children, etc. Nevertheless, in order to produce such a new product and bring it to the market, to make a profit, it is necessary to conduct a study of the local market in order to find analogues, consumer expectations and predict future cash flows from sales of new drugs. In order to form requirements for the project of creating and manufacturing a new medicinal form, the company initiates marketing projects. Such marketing projects are the subject of research.

As a result of the marketing project of the analysis of the drug market, it is necessary to form the contours of a new product and the requirements for the project of creating this product – a new medicinal product. Collecting and forming requirements is not a trivial task. Therefore, in the work, it is proposed to apply means of intelligent data analysis, which will be implemented on artificial intelligence systems. As a result, an intelligent model for managing the requirements of marketing projects of the pharmaceutical industry was developed. The non-triviality of the task of requirements formation is based on the fact that it is multi-criteria. The desired requirements and, accordingly, the future product of the project depend on: the lack of a similar dosage form on the local market, the presence of theoretical and practical pharmacological developments in this direction, the technical and financial capabilities of the enterprise, the expectations of stakeholders and consumers of the product. The use of intelligent tools will allow to avoid a conflict of requirements and to develop a medicine that will not only meet the expectations of all participants of the local pharmaceutical market, but also provide profit to the developing company.

Author Biographies

Elena Rudenko, Cherkasy State Technological University

PhD Student

Department of Computer Science and System Analysis

Volodymyr Andriienko, Cherkasy State Technological University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and System Analysis


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Development of an intelligent model for management of the requirements of marketing projects of the pharmaceutical industry




How to Cite

Rudenko, E., & Andriienko, V. (2024). Development of an intelligent model for management of the requirements of marketing projects of the pharmaceutical industry. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(79).



Systems and Control Processes