Vitamin D enrichment of bakery products of special purpose




vitamin D, bakery products, bread, functional foods, balanced diet, dairy products


Nowadays such diseases of bony tissue as osteoporosis are more often invaded. Osteoporosis is disease that occurs as a result of violations in the human body, proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts, the synthesis of specific proteins, enzymes, bone mineral metabolism, which in turn regulates the activity of metabolites of vitamin D, which decrease bone resorption, promote the Ca mobilization in bone. Important problem is increasing the consumption of vitamin D, enriching food by them.

The comparative characteristics of vitamin D usage in Ukraine and in other countries are conducted in the article.

During research it is found that the bakery is the most appropriate product for the enrichment of vitamin D. Because of bakery products in Ukraine are the most used, it was considered the bread as an object for the enrichment of vitamin D. The use of this product will significantly increase the intake of vitamin D in the body and thus reducing the osteoporosis.

Author Biography

Анна Анатоліївна Павленко, National University of Food Technologies, 01601, Kyiv, Volodymyrska str. 68


Department of Molecular and Avant-garde Gastronomy


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How to Cite

Павленко, А. А. (2014). Vitamin D enrichment of bakery products of special purpose. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(1(20), 36–39.