The impact of labor resources on the economic security of an enterprise in the sustainable development concept
economic security, enterprise, personnel, labor resources, sustainable development, fuzzy set methodAbstract
The functioning and development of enterprises largely depends on economic security, which consists of many functional components. The object of the study is the personnel security of the enterprise, and the paper itself is focused on identifying its factors that determine the level of labor safety. Analysis and assessment should become an important component of developing a labor safety strategy in the context of sustainable development. Currently, there are various methods that allow analyzing labor resources and their condition, but their use does not always make it possible to determine the level of sufficiency of characteristics; uncertainty arises that prevents a more objective assessment of situations. The study shows the problems of personnel security, considers and analyzes its components, and proposes an analysis method based on the fuzzy set method, which allows calculating the impact of each component with a greater degree of reliability. Using the fuzzy set method, an assessment of the personnel security of Joint Stock Company “National Nuclear Energy Generating Company “Energoatom” (JSC NNEGC Energoatom, Kyiv, Ukraine) for five years (2018–2022) was carried out, which made it possible to conduct a more objective analysis. Qualitative assessment of the impact of such indicators as average wages; frequency of injuries; level of saturation with specialists; level of professional training of employees; average age of employees; the share of young specialists is given. Starting from 2020, as the analysis showed, there has been a decrease in the level of personnel security indicator. The reason for the decrease in the level of personnel security of the enterprise was the decrease in the level of specialists in the total number of employees, especially young specialists, as well as the deterioration of the dynamics of employee training. The paper proposes measures to increase the level of personnel security of JSC NNEGC Energoatom.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kateryna Andriushchenko, Andrii Buriachenko, Anastasiia Liezina, Oksana Lavruk, Nataliia Korzhenivska, Nataliia Slavina

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