Using the network technologies with formation the Smart-textbook in the learning process
Smart-textbook, Smart-society, Smart-education, primary stage of study, discussion stage, purpose, educational resources, learning processAbstract
It is defined the main purpose of Smart-textbook - to give a knowledge and practical skills in the use of new technologies due to the transformation of the information society into a new quality, which is called Smart-Society. In accordance to requirements (flexibility, integration, individual trajectory and other) which is responsible a smart-textbook, it is formed the requirements for technology of its creation: use of cloud technology in the process of creating and using of smart-textbook, enhanced use of multimedia, interactive educational tools. The article shows examples of work organization at the Smart-lesson, the process of "teacher-student" interaction, creation of new textbook that dynamically modifiable by the Smart-pupil, conducting lessons with multimedia and computer support, activation of cognitive interest of learners, which generally contributes to the development of distance education. Teacher just update the material to create a Smart-textbook submit it in accordance with the evaluation criteria of its quality, add the necessary training elements and organize an individual learning strategy for each learner, consider the individual criteria for assessing the educational achievements of learners and formation of their XXI century skills.References
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