Fundamental nature, formation and prospects of electronic commerce`s development of Ukraine in global space




electronic commerce, electronic business, information networks, e-market, information and communication technologies


Nowadays electronic commerce is one of essential elements of modern information economy functioning, that gives an opportunity to carry out commercial operations more effectively, to respond flexibly to transformations, which take place in the market of goods and services, to strengthen competitive positions of all agents of economic activity and to extend the sphere of their influence in the global space. That is why the research of substance, specific characters and tendencies of the development of this branch of economic relations is particularly important.

In the article it is found that the continual increase of the amounts of electronic commerce and availability of modifications in its actualization are the central vector of further development of e-commerce in the global scale. In the course of researches it is determined that in recent time volumes of electronic commerce in Ukraine have decreased a little due to the extremely difficult economic and politic situation in the country. In the paper the trend analysis of future evolution of Ukrainian e-commerce is elaborated, that points to the positive changes in this sphere of business activity under condition of active support on the part of the government.

Author Biographies

Олена Володимирівна Кот, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Klochkovskaya 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051

Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor

Department of international economics 

Дарина Сергіївна Антоненко, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Klochkovskaya 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051

Department of international economics


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How to Cite

Кот, О. В., & Антоненко, Д. С. (2015). Fundamental nature, formation and prospects of electronic commerce`s development of Ukraine in global space. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(6(22), 28–32.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research