Integral assesment of customer capital of engineering enterprise




integrated assessment, consumer capital, engineering enterprise, taxonomy, additive convolution


This paper proposes the methodological support of integral assessment of customer capital of engineering enterprise, based on the definition of indicators to measure the components of integrated tools and conditions of formation and development of relationships with customers and determination of generalized integral index of evaluation of the formation and development of these relations. Determination of integrated indicators provides the method of an expert evaluation for additive convolution of the for such qualitatively assessed components as preserve technologies of existing and new customers, involvement of employees in the process of forming and maintaining relationships with customers of constituents of consumer capital; taxonomy method for quantitatively evaluated components – efficiency of enterprises and brand image. Generalized integral indicator of evaluation of formation and development of company relations with customers based on the arithmetic mean of the integral method of taxonomic indicator on the availability and the increasing number of regular customers, repeat contracts, development of customer base, customer loyalty, which were assessed quantitatively, and performance evaluation of integrated intensity relations with customers company and its business reputation, calculated on the basis of additive convolution quality indicators.

The importance and usefulness of integrated assessment of consumer capital is that it allows measuring the value of industrial enterprise relationship with consumers, which are seen as a result of the formation and development of these relations; evaluate opportunities for the establishment of such enterprise values and monitor effectiveness of their implementation.

Author Biography

Наталія Олександрівна Бойко, Simon Kuznets Kharkіv National University of Economics, Lenina 9a, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166


Department of banking


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How to Cite

Бойко, Н. О. (2015). Integral assesment of customer capital of engineering enterprise. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(6(22), 32–38.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research