Development of technique for diagnostics of social reserves of development of collective labour potential
labour collective, social reserves, labour potential, role structure of collective, cohesionAbstract
The problems of diagnostics of social reserves of the collective labour potential are considered in the article. The aim of this study is to develop diagnostic techniques of social reserves of the collective labour potential in the work and the essence of the concept of "social reserves" as a subject of study of economics and their features in the study of collective labour potential. The use of these reserves can increase the efficiency of the labour collective processes by improving cooperation between its members (division of labour and cooperation, experience exchange, etc.).
Such characteristics as the role structure and group cohesion are outlined to develop the diagnostic techniques of social reserves of the collective labour potential. The proposed technique of diagnosis uses economic and mathematical methods for finding latent reserves and determines the most important of them. This allows developing a means of improving the efficiency of the collective by using these reserves based on their priority.
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