Modelling management processes under natural emergency conditions on highways
methodology, modelling, decomposition, processes, management, objects, communications, operations, highwayAbstract
Modelling the management of liquidation of natural emergency situations on highways as a complex semistructured technical system with the use of IDEF0 notation has been made. The application of BPwin allows using well-proven IDEF0 methodology for the synthesis of the functional model of natural emergency liquidation management on highways, and then passing to the system formal model with the application of automatic tools.
The developed functional models of managing liquidation of natural emergency on highways allowed describing the modelled system from a number of viewpoints without considering their time characteristics.
The functional model of managing liquidation of natural emergency on highways gives the possibility of effective formalization of properties and characteristics of the subject under research in the part of its semistructured elements and subsystems, providing completeness of description, which is necessary for the analysis and synthesis of the management system.References
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